Tips to Stay Focused at Work During Your Divorce

The divorce process can take a heavy toll on those involved. You may feel angry, lonely, or depressed over the failure of your marriage. As a result, it may be difficult to concentrate while at work. To keep the stress of your divorce from impacting your professional life, it is crucial to find ways to keep your mind focused. We put together some tips that will help you remain productive at work amidst your divorce.

Getting Through the Workday While Getting Divorced

Although you may wish to keep this personal matter private, you should consider notifying your immediate supervisor of your impending divorce. Spare the personal details and focus on how this major life event may potentially impact your schedule or any other constraints you may face as a result. However, you should refrain from sharing this information with your co-workers. Otherwise, they may regularly inquire about the progress of your divorce, which will likely distract you from your work.

Below are some additional tips for you to consider:

  • Try to limit all messages related to your divorce: Unless there is an emergency, hold off on engaging in any conversations about your divorce until after you are off work.
  • Redecorate your workspace: If you have a lot of keepsakes or pictures in your workspace that may remind you of your marriage, you should pack it up, take it home, and redecorate your workspace. Repopulate it with items or images that help you feel calm.
  • Work on more projects: It is not uncommon for individuals who are navigating a difficult life experience to take on more work projects. It can help you take your mind off your divorce and give you a sense of accomplishment. However, do not forget to focus on your emotional needs once you are off the clock.
  • Remember to take breaks: You likely have a few allotted breaks during the workday, so make the most of them. Go for a walk, listen to some music, or watch some videos on YouTube. Do something that either makes you happy or helps you feel ready to tackle the rest of the day.
  • Eat well: Never underestimate the importance of nutrition. Start your day with a good breakfast and do not skip meals at work. It can be easy to skimp on meals while you are working or if you are feeling overwhelmed, but nourishing yourself will help you stay focused.

Seek the Skilled Legal Counsel of a Knowledgeable Divorce Attorney Today!

It can be challenging to focus on anything other than your divorce during this difficult time. However, having a compassionate legal advocate on your side can certainly help. At Nichols Dixon PLLC, our family law team is committed to providing knowledgeable legal guidance and skilled representation.

Call our law office today at (405) 294-1511 to set up a consultation.
