Two wedding rings sitting on top of divorce papers as someone is filling out the papers.

How to Tell Your Friends and Family That You’re Getting a Divorce

Going through a divorce is never easy, and one of the most difficult things that you will have to do is tell your friends and family about it. You may be worried about how they will react, or unsure of what to say. However, it's important to remember that you don't have to go through this alone. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips for how to tell your friends and family that you’re getting a divorce.

Tips for Telling Your Friends and Family That You’re Getting a Divorce

Telling your friends and family about your divorce is an essential step that may feel challenging but remember that it can be a significant source of support. The following are a few tips for telling your friends and family that you’re getting a divorce:

  • Take Your Time – Before you start telling people about your divorce, take some time to process the news yourself. It’s okay to take some time to think about your decision and come to terms with it emotionally. Don't hurry to tell everyone until you’re ready to discuss it. Once you're ready, you can then determine which friends and family members you want to share the news with first.
  • Be Prepared for Reactions – When you share the news of your divorce with your loved ones, it's essential to be ready for the different reactions. Friends and family will respond in different ways. Some might be supportive, while others could be critical or judgmental. Some might even avoid the topic or downplay it. It's important to be firm in your decision, but also be patient with your loved ones. Remember that it is normal to feel emotions such as disappointment, frustration, or sadness.
  • Be Honest – When it comes to breaking the news of your divorce, honesty is key. Be clear about the reasons why you decided to end your marriage, but also be careful not to blame your partner. Honesty can help your friends and family understand your situation better and be able to support you in the best way possible.
  • Ask for Help – Going through a divorce can be overwhelming, and it’s okay to ask for help. Allow your loved ones to offer their support. Whether it's through emotional support or practical help, your friends and family should be there for you. Do not hesitate to reach out to professional counselors or coaches who can help you manage your emotions and find your way through this difficult time.
  • Keep Moving Forward – Divorce can be difficult, but it is not the end of the world. At this point, try to focus on the future and not the past. Look forward to new beginnings, new opportunities, and a happier future. With time, you can find happiness and peace, even as you navigate the challenges you’ll face as a newly single person.

Always remember that going through a divorce is not a failure. It is the beginning of a new chapter in your life journey.

How Do I File for a Divorce in Oklahoma?

To initiate the divorce process, you first need to file a petition. This involves submitting the necessary forms to the court, including a divorce petition form (also known as a dissolution of marriage form). In this document, you state the reasons for wanting the divorce, and propose how to divide property, debts, and arrange for any child custody and support. Once the forms are submitted and the filing fee paid, the divorce process is officially underway.

It's highly recommended to seek legal advice during this process to ensure all your rights are protected. In fact, it is best to discuss your situation with an experienced divorce lawyer first before you file for divorce. This is a huge decision, and you want to be as well-informed as possible before you decide what to do.

If you need help filing for divorce in Oklahoma, consider reaching out to Nichols Dixon. To begin the process, you can either give us a call at (405) 294-1511 or fill out our convenient online contact form. We're here to help!
